Your Business: Sales & number of wearers
- Current annual sales
(incl. spectacles)
- Total number of spectacles & contact lens (CL) wearers buying from you per year
(last 12 months)
- Of which: newly acquired customers
(that is: buying from you for the first time spectacles or / and CLs) in the last 12 months
Your Business: Prices for CL products & related services
- Prices for CL products & related services
Sight test incl. CL eye exam / CL fitting fee / CL re-fitting fee
- Annual CL aftercare fee
Annual CL aftercare fee (no re-fit)
- Average price of CLs
Full year's supply
- Annual subscription fee for CLs only
(without annual aftercare, without care products)
- Annual subscription fee for CLs
(with annual aftercare, but without care products)
Your Business: Penetration of CLs among total customers
- Number of existing customers wearing CLs and having bought CLs and/or related services at least once in last 12 months
- Number of newly acquired CL wearers
(being first time fitted or refitted with CLs) in the last 12 months (bought at least one supply of CLs)
Your Business: Loyalty among CL wearers
- % of existing CL wearers re-buying CLs from you on subscription
(with or without after care or care products), if none put '0'.
- % of 'lost' CL wearers
(those who bought from you more than 12 months ago and within the last 24 months), but who did not re-buy during the past 12 months). Express as a % of CL wearers buying from you in the last 12 months. They may still wear CLs, but buy them (and the service) somewhere else, so are lost to you. This is not to be mixed up with the drop out rate (those known to have stopped wearing CLs). The annual 'drop out rate' is captured at the very bottom of this data collection.
- % of existing CL wearers re-buying CLs from you occasionally
not on subscription and with an annual aftercare
- Number of CL wearers not on subscription and not re-buying CLs from you, but (only) buying an annual aftercare
- % of subscriptions with an annual aftercare
- % of newly acquired CL wearers re-buying CLs from you only on the occasion of the new fit or re-fit, but not thereafter
- % of newly acquired CL wearers re-buying CLs from you either regularly or occasionally
but not on subscription and without an annual aftercare
- % of newly acquired CL wearers re-buying CLs from you on subscription and with an annual aftercare
- Newly acquired CL wearers tend to buy an initial supply of CLs after their fitting; how big is that initial supply as a % of their annual spend?
- From the regular and occasional buyers of CLs (not on subscription); what share do you get of their total annual spend (as they may not buy all their CLs from you)?
- The model assumes an annual loss of 'x'% of the CL customer base
due to wearers dropping out of lens wear (despite all efforts) for all sorts of reasons. Those need to be replaced with new wearers first. The model puts 5% as a default for this